February 9, 2009

Hold my Heart

I hope they don't mind, but these lyrics of 10th Avenue North have been on my mind a lot lately. The song is on their new album and is called Hold my Heart

How long must I pray, must I pray to You?

How long must I wait, must I wait for You?

How long 'til I see Your face, see You shining through?

I'm on my knees, begging You to notice me.

I'm on my knees, Father will You turn to me?

One tear in the driving rain,

One voice in a sea of pain

Could the maker of the stars

Hear the sound of my breaking heart?

One life, that's all I am

Right now I can barely stand

If You're everything You say You are

Would You come close and hold my heart?

I've been so afraid, afraid to close my eyes

So much can slip away before I say goodbye.

But if there's no other way, I'm done asking why.

I'm on my knees, begging You to turn to me

I'm on my knees, Father will You run to me?

One tear in the driving rain,

One voice in a sea of pain

Could the maker of the stars

Hear the sound of my breaking heart?

One life, that's all I am

Right now I can barely stand

If You're everything You say You are

Would You come close and hold my heart?

So many questions without answers, Your promises remain

I can't see but I'll take my chances to hear You call my name

To hear You call my name

One tear in the driving rain,

One voice in a sea of pain

Could the maker of the stars

Hear the sound of my breaking heart?

One life, that's all I am

Right now I can barely stand

If You're everything You say You are

Won't You come close and hold my heart.

Hold my heart, could you hold my heart?

Hold my heart

I think this song is awesome. I cry every time I hear it. Why? Because I find myself wondering quite often how much of my personal life really matters to God. Now I know, I know, that there's those scriptures out there to the contray that say "Hey you do matter to God!" Which their other song By Your Side kinda addresses (no lie they really are an awesome band, you should check them out!). But as for me change is in the wind and so the second verse is coming more into play. The third verse is kinda like this reassurance. It's like you know what the bible says, but how much stock do you really put into it? I mean really think about it. God clearly lines out what is required of us but we don't necessairly follow because society has changed since the bible was written, or that doesn't apply to me, or I just don't see how that is really relevant - take you're pick cause I've heard and probably said all three if not more..... But the thing is to be real Christians we were called to be set apart and not do things that are considered normal or whatnot to this world... And while it hurts to do what God wants us to do it's worth it in the long run right? Hopefully there's someone out there saying "Right." cause reassurance and confirmation is always a good thing in my book.

But yeah... these things have all been kinda racing through my mind through a series of events and now it's like God's said "Okay here's the way it is. I said this would be required of you. Now you can either do what you want and be unhappy or you can do what I've asked. Choose." So like I said, change is in the wind..... Sorry if this was a rambeling..... Just trying to compile my thoughts =^)

January 20, 2009

Stranger than Fiction

So I'm toying with the idea of writing a book. Fiction, and just to make it scary for everyone who knows me a romantic comdey, and possibly even a till romantic tragdey..... I'm still toying with it though.

More important topics now............ I'm about 98% sure that Rick Warren will be sued in the next week or so.... Poor Rick. Course Obama had them pray over lunch too so we'll see how well that is going to sit with his non-believeing party ppl... My only thought is wow are you really using prayer as a power play? How sad is that. Hopefully I get proved wrong on that one. Hopefully the new Prez is sincere in his faith. So much love to Rich Warren and I hope that whoever sues looses! Thank you for praying that God, Jesus, Yahweh, amongst the other names that were used, blesses and protects this nation - I have a feeling it may just be needed =)

December 12, 2008

It's that time of year....

So it's that time of year when people go out in the cold and search for the perfect gift. Yay! I've actually got all my shopping done, as of 7:30 pm yesterday, which is a rarity since I'm normally that person frantically running around Wal-mart at 11pm on Christmas Eve =)

So I shall pass my 11pm Christmas Eve hat to someone else this year and wish you the best of Christmas shopping luck!

November 4, 2008

So long freedom of speech

So as the end of today's election draws nearer a light bulb just went off in my head. Should certain candidates be elected freedom of speech may go MIA. No longer will SNL be able to make fun of the president, and what on earth will CNN talk about (course I shouldn't expect CNN to say negative stuff because gosh darn it isn't that Fox News?)??? I mean you won't be able to bad mouth the president because it might be considered a form of freedom of speech that you actually don't have. Yet hold on a sec I thought that you could say stuff like "I wish _______ would die" and it not be taken seriously.... I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I heard that about Bush off and on for the past I dunno 8yrs? And I don't think the SS, FBI, or CIA ever checked them out..... *sigh* I suppose it all has to start somewhere right? But seriously, expect me to use the blond card or the sex card should anyone say something about something I say. Because is it really any different?

October 30, 2008

Love songs, romantic movies, and other sappy stuff

At times I wonder why people at large put up with such things. Then I remember, "Oh yeah I'm like that too when I'm interested in someone." Hmmm.... guess that means I'm back to wondering why people put up with such things turning the station every time some sappy song comes on. Speaking of which I may blow up my radio the next time I hear that "Love Bug" song again by those teeny boppers ug! Thank the Lord that it's almost Halloween and not Valentine's day. I might have hurt someone....

September 23, 2008

Running around in circles

Dude. That's really all I have, I've been so busy at work that it's look like 4hrs of overtime this week.... Hmmm reminds me of another job I had once... that I am STILL getting letters from the state over! We're up to number 5 kids! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many and there always like oh yeah um it said you were there when x happend and I'm always like um no. So it's like the most pointless thing in the world!

September 15, 2008

10 pt question

So what if you found out you had cancer? Would you do everything possible to get rid of it or call it a day? I suppose some times you never know what you'll do till you get there, but I wonder if not knowing and then dying might be better... Cause then you never worried about it right? Never spent the expenses involved... but then again no one else would be prepared either right? You'd just be gone. No closure. Maybe that's a bridge that is better to cross once you get there hmm?